Thorsten Wißmann



Dissertation Award at the Faculty of Engineering.


Nomination for the Best Paper Award for CONCUR2021 for the paper Explaining Behavioural Inequivalence Generically in Quasilinear Time


Best Theory Paper Award for the paper Generic Partition Refinement and Weighted Tree Automata at the 3rd World Congress on Formal Methods (FM’19) in Porto, Portugal


ASQF Award for my master studies and master thesis.

Invited Talks


ICSE 2023 (45th International Conference on Software Engineering) in Melbourne, Australia on Generic Partition Refinement and Weighted Tree Automata (slides)


LMW 2023 @ CSL 23 (Logic Mentoring Workshop 2023) in Warsaw, Poland on Introduction to Coalgebra (slides)

Short CV

01/2023 — Now

Researcher at the chair of theoretical computer science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

03/2021 — 12/2022

Researcher at the Department of Software Science, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands

02/2018 — 04/2018

Invited research visit at the ERATO MMSD Project, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan

05/2015 — 06/2020

PhD in Theoretical Comuter Science (Dr.-Ing.), supervised by Stefan Milius, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

05/2015 — 03/2021

Researcher (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the chair of theoretical computer science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

10/2014 — 02/2015

Summer Research Scholarship, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

04/2013 — 04/2015

Studies in Computer Science, Master of Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

10/2009 — 03/2013

Studies in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany